Product feature

Reading support tools

Provide struggling readers with the support tools they need to develop their reading skills.

Tools for struggling readers

The ability to read is a fundamental building block in a student’s learning journey. If students struggle to read they can become unengaged, which slows down their progress.

Help students progress by allowing them to record and practice their reading. And use extra reading tools to support their understanding.

  • Help with reading and comprehension tasks
  • Provide students with confidence in their reading
  • Allow students to take ownership of their reading progress
  • Support a range of reading abilities in one class

Struggling readers can get extra help using tools including text-to-speech.

Giving them the scaffolds they need when they’re practicing their reading.

And to build understanding without one to one help.

Practice oral fluency

Use Fluency Tutor’s record feature to build students’ confidence in reading by allowing them to practice when best suits them. Without the embarrassment of reading in front of their classmates.

Readers, not numbers

“Fluency Tutor plays a key role in progress monitoring as tutors are able to quickly identify struggling readers and put interventions in place to help the student achieve their next step in learning without falling further behind.” – Discover how tutors use Fluency Tutor to help struggling readers reach their full potential.